Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Reflective Journal

Reflective Journal
Student:                        Jordy Cernik
Course:                        Year 2 Commercial Radio, Gateshead College

7th October 201 3

With in the lesion we discussed and learnt about a number of camera shots that we might need with in our up and coming project.
We then broke in to groups and film the set shots around the college and then brought it back to be transferred on to the laptops using a fire wire connection

This was a good time for me to recap on this I have done in my former career with n television and to help my partner to understand and to the shots needed in the brief.

After digitising the out putted video on to the laptops I was able to start cutting the sections up to make you tub videos to place on my Blogger with in my Google account I selected the shot I wanted to separate with in the editing program and then saved them ready for up loading.

14th October 2013

We started to look into the ethic and laws with in broadcasting material and the way we present them, it was good to go over work we did in the first year with Rebecca Dixon from Metro Radio and recap on the subjects

After this we started on working on a brain storm for our videos fro the brief we were give from Gary, this consisted in a 45 sec promotional video for the Media section (creative) of Gateshead Head College. We started of by looking at what we wanted to achieve and what ideas we could use to get to that gaol.

I looked in to two ideas, one being a cut away fast paced shot with a music bed and v/o at the end with a slogan, this idea I felt was a little to easy for me and would be very quick to do (I understand that some times in production simple is best, but as this was a college task and I want to show of my creative side, I would not take on a simple shoot like this)

My second idea and the one I have decided to go with is an animation project, showing a student going into the student advice centre and having a chat, this V/O would be his experience of the event (scripted but)
While in the room below, we show other students doing media / creative actions like play drums or dancing, taking a photograph ect.
Gary said that this would be time consuming and may be a little harder to get done before the dead line, but if I was willing to give it a go, then I would see about extending the time if I needed it. But I feel that the two week I have for half term should be enough to get this project complete (I hope)

16th October 2013

Got down to working out my animation idea, made a power point to help show what I was hoping to ache and worked out what I may need, also looked into animation programs and techniques on the internet which was interesting and helped me to work out better what I need to do and what time scale I was looking at.

20th October 2013

Worked on my story board today, drew out the boxes and made cartoon images to show my idea in more detail and then upload it to blogger and on to my power point for tomorrow’s presentation

21st October 2013

Did some final touches to the power point and was shown a great trick to take background colour of pictures fro Adam which helps to make my presentation easier to understand. As requested I also worked on a feedback sheet that was given out just before I did my presentation. The presentation I feel went very well and most people seamed interested in the project. After this I looked back over the feedback sheet, most of the feedback came across very positive with the odd comment that was soon answered with in the presentation, so I have decided to go with this idea as it is and I will start modelling and filming asap.

29th October 2013

Sat all day and worked on the main part of the animation, using my new photo box and a small HD camera to take each snap shot for the top part.

30th October 2013-12-10

Sat today and worked on the bottom parts of the animation, the dancing, drums and photographer

1st November 2013

Started to animate the filming together, it has come apparent that I will have to change the structure of the way I am going to edit, as I done like the look of the split screen (top & bottom) instead I will have them in boxes with a black back ground.

5th November 2013-12-10

Got a ruff copy of the video over to Gary for feed back, he think is is good and smooth motion.

10th November 2013

Recorded Female V/O with a year one radio student, also go permission slip done for the paper work

11th November 2013

Set up a Theatre Student to do the Voice Over and recorded it, paper work done

16th November 2013-12-10

Editing final cut read for recording and adding the V/O

20th November 2013-12-10

I have recorded the finished film into three different formats and up-loaded them to you tub, these have also been placed on my blogger for looking at by Gary, paper work to follow

Summery of the project

I enjoyed doing this type of work and I feel doing an animation was a new challenge for me. The final film could have been a little smoother in its motion, but saying that for a first time, it not bad. During the edit some of the photos of the photography got wiped off my computer while up-grading, this is why I had to drop it from the final cut which is a shame, would have added a little more fun to the peace.

It all I feel I hit the target market I was after (14 year old students), it fast, snappy and works well and could be used as a bass line for a advertisement for the college with in schools, showing what student can do.

How I made it:

I used a windows based program to do all the editing on, this was Panicle 14 studio, it work a little like avid and can do many different effect.

For the characters I used small bits of wire to make the shape and then used new free play-do to make the body, this gave me the ability to move them with out breaking them. The style of the models, were to be a bit childish and basic so that they fit the peace.

With a photo box that had a blue screen back drop and a locked of stand with and HD mini cam, I sat and moved each action a step at a time (16 hour work of animation time)

1 comment:

  1. Jordy, you have kept a detailed log of your skills development throughout the project, showing actions you have taken, problems, encountered, skills developed etc.
