Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Assignment 2.1 - Initial Ideas

Quick view of my idea for the following project


45 sec promotion video for Gateshead College


I want to make a video that takes in the TA of 14 – 19 students, in this I want to promote creativity, fun and a bit of comedy, I have chosen to try and animation project with a character coming into the student advice centre, we hear a voice over as a conversation starts between the adviser and the student.

On the floor below there is a studio and we see student coming in and out playing music and doing dance.

It will be a mix of picture cut outs and plaster models.

Music will help to give it an up beat feel

It will be all shot on green screen and then rendered separately, the advice centre and then the Studio, one I have both rendered then I layer them on top of each other and use the studio recording to cut and fade in and out to make it look like its very busy




The Summary:

This will be a challenge to do, but I feel that it would be worth doing something different and bring a new angle to a promotional video.

I will only need my self and my home studio to make the project and for music I will use music I have created by reversing or slowing down music that fits the peace






1 comment:

  1. Jordy, you have started generating outline ideas for your digital video sequence. Your next step is to produce a pitch consisting of a detailed outline of your plan for your promotional video.
