Monday, October 7, 2013

Cameras and Camera angles

Jordy Cernik, Level Three Commercial Radio, Gateshead College, Year 2 - October 7th 2013

In this section I will try to explain that the following shots to match with the shots filmed by myself and Georgina Cassidy on Monday the 7th

An Extreme Long Shot:
this is normally what is called the establishment shot, it is long wide shot that give you a full prospective of where you are and what may be happening: see example

Long Shot:
this shot is normally used to show a person in full view, may be walking toward the came or to give you a full look at a car / motor bike: see example

A middle shot give you a closer look at an object or a person, if it is a person you will film them from the waist up leaving a little head room in the frame: see example

Close up:
This shot is normally used to show something important on screen, may be a reaction in some ones face or maybe something lying on the ground, if it is a person, normally it just the head and neck: see example, this shot is more a mid to close up, problem up loading close up..

Extreme Clos Up:
A shot like this is a tension shot, it to get a reaction and to shot detail in a reaction or and action, like the keys on a key board, the fear in some ones eyes or a bit of writing on a single peace of paper: see example

Zoom in and out:
This is when you us the T/W button on a camera (Tighten / Widen) this is normal used with a still camera shot to help with close ups or extreme close ups, see example

Pan left and right:
This is when you move the camera round in a ark left to right, go to use with a hand held shot to show space and who is in the area of the scene, see example

this show it like a pan shot, but you go up and down, good for showing high like tall building or a man taller than a little man, see example

Track in and out:
this is normally done on a dolly and track system, but can also be done hand held, the difference between a zoom and a track is that the zoom magnify the picture, were track keep the picture at the size it is set, it good for producing movement and for following an object or person, see example

these shot are all use to create different feel and style with in a peace of film making

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