Digital Video Pitch
In this section you will see my idea pitch that was done with in the class on October 21st 2013.
The class gave feedback to 5 questions:
1: Do you feel the promo will relate to the bottom end of the TA(14 years) that are still at school and thinking about what they want to do in the future?
2: Do you feel the project will show a creative fleer to reflect the creative department within the college?
3: Would you watch an animated promo?
4: Do you understand the concept of the idea, if 'NO' please tell me what you don't understand?
5: Any feedback you wish to pass on?
the feedback worked well to show that I had an idea that people thought would be different and work for the TA, I feel I don't need to change anything at this time, but I might change thing will filming it.
My Pitch Slides:
Some feed back comments:
"Shows a basic premise, I think 14 year olds will get the jist of it"
"Very well thought out idea"
"Yes / No... Better than normal ideas with in college"
"the idea is great but if not fully pulled off can be poor"
"yes it includes a good range of the creative areas, music, dance ect"
Jordy, you have produced a detailed and well-thought out pitch for your digital video sequence, which demonstrates imagination, flair and creativity. Feedback has also been sought from your peers.